A lot of people don’t want to be categorized as “the paranoid person preparing for doomsday”, so they end up being completely unprepared for any kind of issue. Unprepared, both in items and skills. Certainly, no one wants to assume that a catastrophic emergency is going to happen to them and their family, but choosing avoidance and shying away from the fact that something absolutely could happen isn’t going to help either.
Here’s where my mindset is at:
At any given moment, I could have to deal with a raging wildfire or an earthquake. My family has evacuated before and I’m sure we’ll have to do it again. I have to be ready to do this alone with kids if my spouse is away from our home at the time.
On top of that, there’s the possibility of civil unrest, grid collapse, terrorism, supply chain issues, increasing inflation, extreme weather conditions, political drama… the list goes on.
I don’t want to be a total downer…
But, I do want to encourage and inspire a preparedness lifestyle that helps moms feel ready and empowered instead of anxious and ill equipped.
So, HOW do we go about achieving a preparedness lifestyle?
The very first steps can be as simple as you’d like to make them.
- Prioritize nourishing foods and toxin-free products. Support your emotional and mental well-being. We can prepare and purchase supplies all we want, but if our mindset is in a state of dysfunction, none of it will actually help us.
- Take time for yourself, by yourself. You can’t pour from an empty cup, mama!
- Prioritize physical fitness and training: yoga, tactical training, weightlifting, hiking, biking, running, stretching, pilates, etc. Whatever you like best, stick it on the schedule and commit to it.
- Cook and prep nourishing meals.
- Don’t skimp on the supplements! One of my FAVORITE health supplements is Green Compass CBD, learn more about it and get a coupon here.
- Build your community of friends. This tip is easily overlooked but SO necessary. Surround yourself with helpful friends that inspire you, love you, and fill your life with joy.
Purge anything that is unnecessary and is taking up valuable space in your home and storage areas. One of the best ways to be prepared for emergencies is to be organized and know exactly where everything is located when you need to use certain items. Additionally, it’s much easier to stay on top of cleaning, organizing, and putting laundry away if there isn’t extra clutter consuming your time and space.
Prep kits can take years to build up. You do not need to instantly drop a lot of money on new gear. Start collecting items and stocking extras in a smart, steady, and sustainable way.
I have extensively researched and written about Prep Kits in my e-book that will be available soon! Make sure to drop your email below so you can be notified when it’s available. It is absolutely LOADED with information on how to prepare for emergencies, whether you are sheltering in place or evacuating. I have spent many years researching this topic and I can’t wait to bring you all of the best info in one downloadable e-book.
Strengthen yourself by learning skills that will help you on your self-reliant motherhood journey. Some suggestions are:
- First-Aid
- Wilderness Navigation
- Bushcraft + Survival Skills
- Tactical training
- Canning and food preservation
- Online marketing and making an income. This skill is so overlooked in the ”Prepper” online world. The fact is: preparing for emergencies and being self-reliant REQUIRES MONEY. Whether it’s buying new gear, taking classes, or having liquid cash ready in the event of a national emergency, the preparedness lifestyle requires us to be financially smart and liquid. The good news is that there’s literally never been a better time to make an income online than right now. We have an advantage that generations of preppers before us never had. If you’re interested in brainstorming ways to work online, check out my blog 50 Work From Home Ideas For Mothers
I hope this helped inspire some ideas and reassure you that you’re on the right path. Regardless of whatever noise is circulating around you, being prepared for the worst case scenario so you can efficiently protect your children is ALWAYS A FABULOUS IDEA! You’ve got this, Mama. Don’t let anyone influence you off track of what you know to be the best way to care for your family.
Stay safe out there, ladies!
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